For Coaches, Mentors and Leaders

True Champions Practice Points handbook helps coaches weave sportsmanship lessons and teachable moments into team meetings and practices.

This spiral-bound handbook helps coaches effortlessly weave character lessons and teachable moments into team meetings and practices. Part of our Champions Win With Honor program, the manual features 36 comprehensive “practice points” based on famous quotes or memorable sports moments. Help your student-athletes develop sportsmanship, character, and integrity and become True Champions on and off the field


  • This all-in-one resource provides materials to help you achieve sportsmanship and character-building goals through competition, not despite it. Divided into three sections ("Setting Up Your Program," "The Preseason" and "During and After the Season"), the Kit begins by setting the tone through codes of conduct and mission statements and ends with evaluation tools and ideas for rewarding players and teacher-coaches. Also included: sports anecdotes and stories, an appendix full of sportsmanship quotes, the Gold Medal Standards for Youth Sports, the Gold Medal Standards for Amateur Basketball, the Arizona Sports Summit Accord, and more.
    Teacher-coaches bear responsibility for achieving victory on the playing field and for promoting the integrity of the game and its players. The Ultimate Sportsmanship Tool Kit will help you get there.

    Contents include:
    • Tools and documents for pre- to postseason, from model mission statements to postseason evaluation forms
    • Resources for conducting background checks
    • Codes of conduct for student-athletes, coaches, fans, parents and officials
    • Model press releases, PSAs, scripts for officials and meeting agendas
    • Positive motivational techniques, tips on developing character
    • A library of sportsmanship quotes, stories and anecdotes